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Do business cards still have a place in today’s digital world?

Adrienn White

Brand Strategist, Brand & Web Designer, Webflow Developer

In today's world, where we gain new connections through social media and it only takes a minute to Google someone's contact details, are such traditional formalities, like handing out a business card still relevant?

The Heart of In-Person Connections

You might be surprised to learn that not only do business cards retain their significance, but they are arguably more crucial than ever. I personally find that it is having a renaissance.

Firstly, the process of handing out a business card usually happens during in-person meetings, which is already a more memorable event in this online-focused world. Furthermore, it is usually preceded by casual talking that makes the connection deeper. This warmth helps in building a relationship with a client, but in addition to that, the quality, material, and design of your business card can truly crown your encounter.

Custom Business Card Design for Orama Atelier - Artisanal Glass Interior Design Shop

More Than Contact Information

Business cards not only contain key contact details of a company but they can be turned into an effective tool to drive customers.

It is a perfect way to further deepen the first impression on the recipients, and it also reflects the personality of your brand. Practically, it epitomizes your business even when you are no longer present.

If a design matches the vibe of the person you’ve connected with, that can deepen the trust, but the opposite is probably even more true. Would you trust a person who promises to bring you the stars from the sky, then hands out a card that says “Well, yeah, it’s cheap and quick. We needed it to be done by the day before.”

Your Visual Identity Matters

Every consciously conducted business must grab the attention of its target customers, then gain their trust, and your visual identity is a crucial part of this process as it generates subconscious impressions of your business.

Are your printed materials up to the quality you bring to your client’s life?

Your brand identity is not just a logo and a tagline; it's the essence of your business and a well-crafted business card is an extension of this identity. When your business card exudes quality, it communicates that your products or services are of the same high standard.

The art of print design is far from obsolete. In fact, it is an art form that elevates your brand. The choice of paper quality, the tactile experience of holding your business card, and the attention to detail in the design—all contribute to the lasting impression you leave.

Gold Foil Business Card Design for Orama Atelier - Artisanal Glass Interior Design Shop

The Luxury Business Card Touch

Consider the impact of a luxury business card. A gold foil business card, embossed or debossed with precision, not only feels luxurious to the touch but also speaks volumes about your commitment to excellence. It becomes a talking point, a memorable detail that sets you apart in a sea of mediocrity.

In a digital age where superficial connections abound, the tangible nature of a well-crafted business card stands out. It's not just about contact information; it's about the lasting impression, the trust you build, and the quality you represent. So, the next time you ponder the relevance of business cards, remember that they are not relics of the past but timeless ambassadors of your brand in the present and future.

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